Evenementen & Festivals

  • Rieumontagné Heritage Research Centre

    Le Printemps du Laouzas

    Agenda 2024, there are 9 lectures on the resistance.  The first is on 25 May, the last on 14 September. Free entry

    9 conferences on resistance
  • decouvrir la nature
  • Festival Les Dames des Lacs 12 july

    Festival Les Dames des Lacs

    12 july : Festival Les Dames Des Lacs
    Astronomy 2de edition
    Astronomy festival with events, lectures, film screenings, concerts.

    Festival astronomy
  • Jumble sale, bric-a-brac, flea market

    Rommelmarkt en vlooienmarkt

    25 august and 13 october is a flea market in Murat-sur-Vèbre, Kasten worden leeg gemaakt, huizen opgeruimd, garage en tuin spullen, zolderopruiming
    14 july in Angles and in Lacaune les Bains
    4 august in Lamontélarié
    the first of august in Viane

    Flea market
  • Markets

    Fraisse sur Agout on Sunday mornings

    Viane on Friday morning and on Saturday at 4pm

    Murat sur Vèbre on Tuesday morning
    Foire : every 2nd Tuesday morning of the month

    Lacaune les bains on Sunday morning
    On Saturday morning a fishmonger is present
    Foire : every 3rd Saturday morning of the month

    Salvetat sur Agout on Sunday morning
    On Saturday morning a fishmonger is present
    Foire : every 3rd Saturday morning of the month

    Angles in July and August there is a market on Wednesday mornings

    Espérausses in July and August there is a market on Wednesday 4 PM

    Murat sur Vèbre Saturday morning market in July and August