everywhere you go always take the weather

How's the weather in the Tarn in the summer?

For the French is 'eat' is a daily topic of conversation. Enthausisme full surrender and sharing recipes with each other. One more delicious than the other. But food is not only a daily recurring topic, especially here in 's countryside is again important. When can or should I haymaking, sowing, plowing, cultivation, etc ..

Not only for the farmers is the "weather" a daily topic for customers enjoy the weather as a topic of conversation every day at first. Especially in the days of mobile phones, wireless Internet and temperature gauges in watches, cars ect ..

Everywhere you go. . . even on camping Domaine LaCanal is no different.

weather forecast

Talk about the weather


Weather forecast in the Tarn

Camping Domaine LaCanal is situated at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, the average temperature is by definition a few degrees lower than on the coast or in the big cities. 

Weather conditions can change quickly, especially in the mountains.
Be prepared for a variety of conditions including extreme temperatures and lightning, as well as wet or windy conditions.


Big advantage is that you feel the healthy mountain air after a day of city. The air here is cleaner because this area is very little industry and instead a lot of forest.

Want to know how it is here in the months outside of peak season read the description season.


autumn france tarn

The pool is calling

camp in the rain

Sun cream or raincoat?

For more information about the weather take a look at

météo Nages
Or meteo France

Camping holiday in healthy air

A three-week vacation in an elevated area has about nine weeks after a positive effect on your body. So it's good for anyone who wants to work on his health.

Holiday time

Summer at the lake Laouzas



Red sky

Red sky